Thursday, September 16, 2010

EU agrees trade concessions to flood-hit Pakistan

The European Union has agreed to make trade concessions to Pakistan to help it overcome the impact of flooding, diplomats say. They say the deal could allow Pakistan significant reductions in duties paid on textile exports to EU countries.
Any move to grant Pakistan a waiver on textile duties would also require the consent of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to ensure trade rules are not violated. The details will be determined in the coming weeks, with the European Commission working with the WTO to finalise how the concessions can be be implemented.
Meanwhile, some of the estimated 10 million Pakistanis displaced from their homes by the massive July monsoon floods have begun tentative salvage operations.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Orban Confirms Hungary Pledge to Meet European Union Budget Deficit Limit

Hungarian Premier Viktor Orban reiterated his Cabinet’s pledge to cut the budget deficit to no more than 3 percent of economic output in 2011 as the country braces for currency volatility.
“This year we can’t stretch further than 3.8 percent and for next year, I don’t suggest stretching further than 3 percent,” Orban said in a speech to Parliament, referring to the budget targets.
Hungary last week gave up a drive to raise next year’s deficit target, bowing to pressure from the European Union, which helped give a 20 billion-euro bailout ($26 billion) to the country two years ago. The government’s commitment to the target came after EU finance ministers told Hungarian officials during a meeting in Brussels last week that they had no other choice if the country wanted backing from the bloc, Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said on Sept. 8.
The Economy Ministry will submit the 2011 budget and future tax plans to the government in the middle of October, Matolcsy said today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

EU expected to expand free trade agreements to South Korea

The European Union wants to expand its free trade agreements to include South Korea and is expected to reach an agreement between its trade ministers after the weekend.
The lifting of import tariffs would be a boost to the Korean automakers Hyundai and Kia Motors Corp. who are known for manufacturing low-cost vehicles.
The delay before the weekend and the objection to the free trade agreement comes primarily from Italy and its automaker Fiat Spa. Fiat fears unfair price competition if the import tariffs are lifted since the company operates in the same small to mid-size sedan market segment. The Italian automaker is also trying to carve out a niche in the US auto market now that it owns a 25% stake in Chrysler.
The free trade agreement would save EU exporters 1.6 billion euros and the exporters 1.1 billion annually based on all traded goods. The EU would benefit from the new free trade agreement as it would allow European exporters to more easily trade their goods in the South Korean market without specific standards or requirements.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Európai szemeszter

Az uniós országok pénzügyminiszterei jóváhagyták azt a javaslatot, mely szerint a jövő évtől kezdve minden tagállam még a nemzeti jóváhagyás előtt ismerteti a többi tagországgal költségvetési tervét.
A jövőre induló rendszer értelmében az Európai Bizottság jelentése alapján a tagállamok kormányait képviselő Tanács minden év elején meghatározza majd az unió előtt álló gazdasági kihívásokat, és stratégiai iránymutatásokat ad ezek leküzdéséhez. A tagországoknak ezt figyelembe véve április végéig szükség esetén módosítaniuk kell középtávú pénzügyi stratégiájukat, illetve nemzeti reformprogramjukat. Nyáron a tagállamok ugyancsak uniós iránymutatást kapnak a következő évre vonatkozó költségvetésükkel kapcsolatban. A rendszer - a miniszterek keddi brüsszeli üléséről kiadott közlemény szerint - lehetővé teszi, hogy fél éven át párhuzamosan figyelemmel kövessék a tagországok gazdaságpolitikáját, és időben kiderüljön, ha az eltérést mutat az uniós iránytól, illetve ha egyensúlytalanság van kibontakozóban.
Az uniós zsargonban európai szemeszternek nevezett új rendszert az EU-n belüli gazdasági együttműködés javításán dolgozó - Herman Van Rompuy EU-elnök vezette - munkacsoport dolgozta ki. A csoportot (amely gyakorlatilag a pénzügyminiszterekből áll) annak érdekében állították fel a tagországok állam- és kormányfői, hogy dolgozzon ki olyan szabályokat, amelyek lehetővé teszik a gazdasági válságok megelőzését, illetve könnyebb kezelhetőségét a jövőben. Van Rompuy a kormányfők október végi találkozóján számol be arról, milyen javaslatok születtek a munkacsoportban.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sweden, Finland urge EU to open peace institute

Sweden and Finland are urging the European Union to create an independent peace institute to broaden the scope of the bloc's peacekeeping efforts around the world.
Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb say an independent think tank could have better opportunities to help solve conflicts than traditional diplomacy. Their proposed institute would be modeled on the U.S. Institute of Peace, which is funded by the U.S. Congress but run by an independent board.
The ministers sent a letter with the suggestion to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Friday. They said they hoped to get support from other EU member countries for the initiative.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

EU, Euro Zone GDP posts fastest growth in four years

Gross Domestic Product in both the European Union and the Eurozone increased 1 percent during the second quarter of 2010, compared with the previous quarter, according to first estimates released by Eurostat. The figures show the EU and the Euro Zone have rebounded strongly as compared to the first quarter of the year. According to the statistical office of the European Union, growth rates in the first quarter of 2010 were 0.3 percent in both zones.
GDP growth in the EU and the euro common area was the fastest in four years, outstripping rivals United States and Japan. In comparison, the United States GDP increased 0.4 percent during the second quarter of 2010, after 0.9 percent rise in the first quarter of 2010. In Japan, GDP rose a nominal 0.1 percent in the second quarter of 2010, after 1.1 percent growth in the previous quarter.